(Fire) Engine House
7 Church Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1871 Year Demolished: ca. 1930
This building was built in 1871 and demolished in ca. 1936. It originally served as a fire station and in ca. 1905 became the Town Hall Annex. It was immediately adjacent to the Town Hall to the south. This building was 3 Church Street prior to 5/31/1912.
• Town Reports, Town of Watertown, 1871, Building Committee Report, p. 76 (Sturgis & Brigham, $555).
• Watertown Directories, 1926-1937 (Town Hall Annex and Old Town Hall disappear in 1937)
• Town Reports, Town of Watertown, 1871, Treasurer’s Report, p. 25 (Sturgis & Brigham, $555).
• Sanborn Map, Town of Watertown, 1916, Sheet 6 (shows current address of 7 Church St and former address of 3 Church Street).
• Town Reports, Town of Watertown, 1904-1905 (proposed addition designed by Curtis Bixby (apparently not built)).

The addition on the left (designed by Curtis Bixby) was apparently not built.

Courtesy of the Watertown Fire Department

The rear of the engine house is on the right. The tower and bell are clearly visible.

ca.1900, the Engine House is directly behind the Greek Revival town hall building

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