Oscar L. Hunting House
116 Garfield Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1910
This Colonial Revival house was placed on its lot so as to maximize the depth of the lot, to obtain privacy for its entrance and to contribute to the variety of placement of houses along the street. It reflects, in this case, the gambrel roof farmhouse diagonally across the street, which was also south-facing (most houses face the street to the east or west). Two-and-a-half-stories in height, the house’s upper half is shingle (some diamond-shaped shingles), lower half in stucco (a nod to Arts and Crafts style). The roof is intersected by a cross-gable on the south and a dormer on the north. A heavily trellised Craftsman entrance portico with shallow ogival arches extends beyond the projecting door surround, which has a full length double panel side lights and its original door.
This house was built in 1910. Oscar and Annah Hunting resided here from ca. 1915-1922. Oscar was a bass soloist and teacher and Annah was cello teacher and soloist.
• Building permit, Town of Watertown, 6/1/1910, #803, Brigham, Coveney & Bisbee noted.
• Massachusetts Cultural Resources Information System, Massachusetts Historical Commission, Inventory No. WAT.160 (Oscar L. Hunting House, 116 Garfield Street, 1910, Brigham, Coveney & Bisbee, architects).

ca. 2000


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