James Lawrence House
82 Marlborough Street
Boston, Mass.
Year Built: 1876
This building was built in 1876 and is part of the Back Bay Historic District as well as a National Register Historic District.
The conservatory was removed sometime before 1908. Oddly, it was published in 1917, some 19 years after the death of Sturgis and 21 years after the dissolution of Sturgis & Brigham. This design appears on a page with “Detail of Interior Decoration, also designed by Sturgis & Brigham. It may be that the designs are related. Nonetheless, Sturgis & Brigham designed a number of buildings in Back Bay in the 1860s and 1870s. It would be fascinating to know why this design was published at this late date.
• Local Historical District
• National Register District
• Comparison of 1908 G.W. Bromley Atlas (Plate 020) and 1888 G.W. Bromley Atlas, Vol 2, Plate 33. The older atlas shows the conservatory and the later one does not.
• Back Bay National Register Historic District, 8/14/1973, National Park Service #73001948.
• Back Bay Historic District, 9/3/1966.
• The Book of the Boston Architectural Club for 1917, Boston, Mass. 1917
• “Architecture of H.H. Richardson and His Contemporaries in Boston and Vicinity: 1972 Annual Tour,” Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia, 1972, Margaret Henderson Floyd, (Sturgis & Brigham, 82 Marlborough Street, James Lawrence House, 1876)
• Massachusetts Cultural Resources Information System, Massachusetts Historical Commission, Inventory No. BOS.3119 (James Lawrence House, 82 Marlborough Street, 1876, Sturgis & Brigham, architects).



Destroyed or removed by 1908

2010, rear, location where the conservatory once was

2010, rear
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