Hunnewell Building

616-622 Washington and 2-14 Essex Streets
Boston, Mass.

Year Built: 1874
Year Demolished: ca. 1903

Designed by Sturgis & Brigham and built in 1874 and demolished in ca. 1903. This building was contemporaneous with the Globe Theatre next door. Both building were likely demolished to make way for the Henry Siegel Department Store.

It appears that the address of this building as also 370-372 Washington Street at some point.


• Atlas of Suffolk County, G.M. Hopkins & Co., Vol. 1, 1874, Plate I. H.H. Hunnewell Building present at 370-372 Washington Street and 2-12 Essex Street.

• Atlas of the City of Boston, Boston Proper, Vol. 1, G.W. Bromley & Co., 1883, Plate G. H.H. Hunnewell Building present at 616-618 Washington Street and 14 Essex Street.

• Catalogue of an Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Alfred Mudge & Sons, 1879, pp. 39 (Sturgis and Brigham, #758, Hunnewell Building, Washington Street, Boston)

• Atlas of the City of Boston, Boston Proper, Vol. 1, G.W. Bromley & Co., 1888, Plate 029. H.H. Hunnewell Building present at 616-622 Washington Street and 14 Essex Street.

• The Architect, Vol XIV, July - September 1875, July 24, 1875, London, p. 48 and adjacent plate (showing Washington Street side of building).

• American Architect and Building News, June 23, 1877, Plate 78.


American Architect and Building News, June 23, 1877, Plate 78.

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