Roxbury Crossing Railroad Station
Tremont St. and Columbus Ave.
Roxbury, Mass.
Year Built: 1888 Year Demolished: ?
Roxbury Crossing Station was built in 1888 and was located at the corner of Tremont Street and Columbus Avenue. The building has been demolished and the street-scape has since been reconfigured.
• “Architecture of H.H. Richardson and His Contemporaries in Boston and Vicinity: 1972 Annual Tour,” Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia, 1972, Margaret Henderson Floyd, (Brigham & Spofford, Roxbury Crossing Railroad Station, 1888).
• "Charles Brigham," MacMillan Encyclopedia of Architects, Adolph Placzek, entry written by Margaret Henderson Floyd, 1982, p. 288-9 (Roxbury Crossing Railroad Station, 1888-1889, Charles Brigham architect).
• "Brigham & Spofford," Illustrated Boston, Metropolis of New England, American Publishing and Engraving, New York, New York, 1889, p. 196 ("Boston & Providence R.R. Stations at Stoughton and Roxbury").


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