Y.M.C.A. Building
26 Chelsea Street
Everett, Mass.
Year Built: 1888
This building was built in 1888. According to the Massachusetts Historical Commission, this building has been altered beyond recognition.
In its original form, the building was a massive two-story frame structure with a high hipped roof broken by gables. From the southeast corner, rose a square tower capped by a bell-cast dome. Similar domes crowned turrets on the main roof and rear section. The building had a wide variety of window configurations.
This is likely the design of John Spofford.
• Massachusetts Cultural Resources Information System, Massachusetts Historical Commission, Inventory No. EVR.24 (Y.M.C.A., 26 Chelsea Street, 1888, Brigham & Spofford, architects), "altered beyond recognition."
• "Brigham & Spofford," Illustrated Boston, Metropolis of New England, American Publishing and Engraving, New York, New York, 1889, p. 196 ("Y.M.C.A. building, Everett").

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