Maine State House (rear wing)
83 State House Station
Augusta, Maine
Year Built: 1891
A rear addition was added to the Maine State House in 1891.
• National Register
• National Register of Historic Places, 1973, National Park Service #73000266.
• "Charles Brigham," Boston of To-day, Richard Herndon, Post Publishing, Boston, 1892, pp. 156-157 ("extension of the Maine State Capitol").
• “Architecture of H.H. Richardson and His Contemporaries in Boston and Vicinity: 1972 Annual Tour,” Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia, 1972, Margaret Henderson Floyd, (Brigham & Spofford, Maine State Capitol Addition, Augusta, Maine, 1888)
• Selections From an Architect’s Portfolio: John C. Spofford, 1894, Maine State House, Extension.

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