Watertown Town Hall "Lock up"
65 Main Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1874 Year Demolished: Unknown
Built in 1874. The new “lock up” was built in the Town Hall. The Police Department did not have their own separate building. There is no known picture of this addition and it is unclear how long this “lock up” was used. The Police Department used the Town Hall as their headquarters until 1906. This building was demolished in 1936 and was numbered 57 Main Street prior to May 31, 1912.
• Sanborn Map, Town of Watertown, 1916, Sheet 6 (address of 65 Main St. and former address of 57 Main St.).
• Town Reports, Town of Watertown, 1871 (Sturgis & Brigham).
• Sanborn Map, Town of Watertown, 1928, Sheet 13.
• Watertown Directories, 1926-1937 (Town Hall Annex or Old Town Hall disappears in 1937).
• Town Reports, Town of Watertown, 1874, Selectman’s Report, p. 78 (“lock up” is at the Town House and constitutes 7 cells of made of brick and iron and two anterooms made of wood. “The cells can be use to either accommodate lodgers of confine prisoners. The whole is in good, comfortable shape and condition.”).

The renovations by Sturgis & Brigham are not likely captured in this photograph. Watertown Free Public Library
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