Henry Clay Derby House
153 Watertown Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1903 Year Demolished: 1962
Built in 1903 and demolished in 1962 to make way for Hibernian Hall. This house was numbered 61 Watertown Street prior to May 31, 1912. No pictures are known to exist of this house.
An outbuilding built before in 1903 currently still sits on the property, although it is almost somewhat subsumed into the 1962 building. This is a garage building designed by Charles Brigham.
• Building Permit, Town of Watertown, May 19, 1903, dwelling, one family, 40 feet wide, 26.6 feet in the rear, 58 feet deep, 34 feet high, gambrel roof.
• Watertown Directory, 1905 (Henry C. Derby, 61 Watertown Street).
• Watertown Directory, 1912 (Henry C. Derby, 153 Watertown Street).
• Sanborn Insurance Map, Watertown, Mass, Sheet 1, 1951, house present, 2½ stories.

Sanborn Insurance Map, 1916, p. 25.
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