Detail of Interior Decoration
Interior Decoration
Unknown, Unknown
Year Built: Unknown
It is unclear if this interior is part of a larger Sturgis & Brigham design or if it was intended to stand alone in a renovation. It is also unclear whether the design was actually executed or if it was just publicity and marketing material.
Oddly, this was published in 1917, some 19 years after the death of Sturgis and 21 years after the dissolution of Sturgis & Brigham. This design appears on a page with a conservatory that designed at 82 Marlborough Street in the James Lawrence House in 1876, also designed by Sturgis & Brigham. It may be that the designs are related and this is the interior of 82 Marlborough Street.
It would be fascinating to know why this design was published at this late date, maybe more than 40 years after it was designed.
• The Book of the Boston Architectural Club for 1917, Boston, Mass. 1917

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