Commonwealth Building
65 Bowdoin and 11 Mt. Vernon Sts.
Boston, Mass.
Year Built: 1883 Year Demolished: ca. 1889
No picture is known to exist of this building. It was remodeled sometime in ca. 1882 under the firm of Sturgis & Brigham. This building was demolished in ca. 1889, interestingly, to make way for Brigham’s design for the rear extension of the Massachusetts State House.
• Atlas of Boston Proper, G.W. Bromley & Co., 1883, Boston, Plate F. Building present and labeled, “Est. S.A. Way.” This is Samuel A. Way.
• Atlas of Boston Proper, G.W. Bromley & Co., 1888, Boston, Plate 21. Building present and labeled, “Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”
• “John C. Spofford” Boston of To-day, Richard Herndon, Post Publishing, Boston, 1892, pp. 401-402 (Spofford was a draughtsman for Sturgis & Brigham under which he had charge of the construction of . . . the Commonwealth Building in Boston).
• Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Official Gazette of State Government: 1890, pp. 7-8.
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