Barnard Block
18-26 Main Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1894 Year Demolished: 1925
Brigham added a 3d level to this two-story commercial building. He added interested Colonial Revival elements. There is no information on whether he was the architect of the original building. The building was demolished in 1925.
The original address of this building was 18-26 Main Street was changed on May 31, 1912.
• "Watertown News," Watertown Enterprise, November 23, 1894, p. 3 ("Another story has been added on Barnard's Block, and the work is about finished. It includes five rooms, three of which, on the left of the stairway, have been let to the Young Men's Catholic Association. Mr. G.G. Davidson, the shirt manufacturer, will occupy one of the other rooms, and a club will occupy the other. The work was done by Messrs. Wilson & Hutchins, under the direction of Mr. Charles Brigham."
• Bacon, George F., "Waltham and Watertown: Their Representative Business Men and Points of Interest," New York, 1893 (before picture).

ca. 1910, Courtesy of Watertown Free Public Library

Detail of renovation, including the dormers and chimney

ca. 1910, Courtesy of Watertown Free Public Library

1893, prior to dormer addition
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