Henry Clay Derby Garage
153 Watertown Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1915 Year Demolished: 1962
Built in 1915 and survived the demolition of the main house in 1962. This building was subsumed into the 1962-constructed Hibernian Hall. No pictures are known to exist of this building before 1962.
As originally constructed, this building was 31.6 feet wide, 23 feet deep and 22 feet tall. The first floor was cement and the upper portion was wood.
• Town of Watertown, Building Permit, #2285, November 10, 1915, 31.6 x 31.6 x 23, Brigham, Coveney & Bisbee.
• Compare Sanborn Insurance Map, 1916, Sheet 25 with 1971 Sheet 1. The former garage is visible as part of the footprint of the 1962 building.

Brigham Sketch--Garage is at rear of plot.




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