Christian Science Mother Church Boiler House and Tunnel
7-8 St. Paul Street
Boston, Mass.
Year Built: 1905 Year Demolished: Unknown
The boiler house and associated tunnel were built in 1905 and the boiler house was demolished sometime thereafter. Since these are service structures, they are likely to be less architecturally interesting/significant. According to the building permit, the building was constructed of stone and brick and measured 40x40x60 and was 11 feet tall. The tunnel is likely still extant.
No pictures are known to exist of this building.
• Building Permit, City of Boston, #322, 9/13/1905, 7-8 St. Paul Street.
• Reports of Proceedings of the City Council of Boston for the Year Commencing January 2, 1905 and ending December 30, 1905, June 19, 1905, p. 344.

1914 Sanborn Insurance Map, Boston, Sheet 43. Note "subway."
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