Berry & Kimball Store
434 Pleasant Street
Watertown, Mass.
Year Built: 1868 Year Demolished: Unsure of Date
Charles Brigham designed a store front for Charles Berry in 1868. He was charged $40.00 for the commission, which indicates that the total cost of the job was $8,000, as Sturgis and Brigham typically charged 5% of the total cost for the cost of the design.
Charles Berry was in partnership with Charles Kimball in 1868 and they operated Berry & Kimball which stood on Pleasant Street at the corner of Bridge Street. Kimball appears to have lived over or behind the grocery store. Since Brigham described this job as a “shop,” this was likely a renovation of Kimball’s house.
• Watertown Directory, 1868, Berry & Kimball.
• Letter from Charles Brigham to John Hubbard Sturgis, September 30, 1868, Charles Berry shop noted, Sturgis Papers, Boston Athenaeum Library.

Exterior of Shop, prior to 1900
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