Court Street Station to the East Boston Tunnel
Court Street & Scollay Square
Boston, Mass.
Year Built: 1904 Year Demolished: 1912 and 1928
Charles Brigham designed three shelters that commuters could use to access the subway that led to East Boston from downtown Boston. These don’t appear to be proper “head houses” or stations but rather small access points.
Two of the access points (entrances) were on Court Street and sat adjacent to the entrance of the Old Court House, one to each side. This building was demolished in 1911 but the access points remained for a time. A City Hall Annex was built in the building’s place in 1912 (later becoming the School Committee’s Headquarters at 26 Court St.) and the entrance points became integrated into that building and Brigham’s access points were demolished.
The third shelter/access point (an exit) was in Scollay Square in the middle of the intersection of Court, Cambridge and Cornhill Streets. It was just to the south of Scollay Square Station. It was demolished when Scollay Square Station was demolished in 1928.
• Boston Globe, “Notice to Contractors,” January 6, 1904, p. 13.
• G.W. Bromley Atlas of Boston and the Back Bay, 1908, Plate 1
• G.W. Bromley Atlas of Boston and the Back Bay, 1912, Plate 1

Entry Point

Entry Point

Entry Point

Entry Point

Exit Point is the small circular colonnaded building

Exit Point is the small circular colonnaded building

Entry Point
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